Friday, September 1, 2023

Ideas to Welcome Students Back to School

 Ideas to Welcome Students Back to School

Well, it’s that time of year again, at least here in Michiga
n, where most schools start the day after Labor Day. There are many ways to make someone feel welcome and just as many ways to make students feel welcome when they return to school. As a parent, my ideas would probably vary compared to what a teacher or administrator would do to make kids feel welcome in returning to the hectic school year. For example, a...(to read full article go to)

Here are a few things we do ahead of time:

  • ·         Register for the current school year (e.g., back-to-school process/admissions)
  • ·         Clean out closets and dressers
  • ·         Organize clothes in two piles; keep and donate
  • ·         Sign up for an after-school program
  • ·         Set up transportation (i.e., busing, carpooling, rideshare, etc.)
  • ·         Clean out backpack from the previous year (check for molding mini muffins!)
  • ·         Buy school supplies
  • ·         Go school clothes shopping
  • ·         Create a meal plan for the first couple weeks of school
  • ·         Organize snack cupboard
  • ·         Get back on a regular sleep schedule (sorry, kids!)
  • ·         Decorate the front door for the new school year
  • ·         Take “first day of school” photo
  • ·         Plan nothing for after school for the first week of classes

On the other hand, (go to full article)

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